Our Classes
Blubird Class for 2 to 3 year olds
Flamingo Class for 3 to 4 year olds
Owl Class for 4 to 5 year olds
We know children learn best by having a variety of choices in a safe and organized environment. Our highly trained teachers help your child meet the key milestones of this important developmental stage in a daycare environment that provides what they need most—safety, freedom within boundaries, individual attention, enrichment and praise.
Our classrooms are designed around activity-based Learning Centers where your child will participate in a range of stimulating experiences:
- Games & Puzzles: Your child will learn math, logic and science concepts and develop fine motor skills by stacking, sorting, counting, putting together (and taking apart!) various objects.
- Language Development: Exploring books and stories promotes a life-long love of literature and language.
- Blocks: Your child will develop emotionally, socially, cognitively and physically by using a variety of building
materials to turn imagination into real-life creation.
- Creative Arts & Exploration:Through painting, sculpture or drawing, your child will learn eye-hand coordination, small muscle control and problem solving.
- Dramatic Play: This interest center helps your child make sense of their world as they use their imagination and problem-solving abilities. Items to stimulate imagination like dolls and accessories, kitchen sets and play food.
- Music & Movement: musical instruments and puppets.
- Water & Sand: Sensory experiences will provide your child with emotional outlets as well as a beginning knowledge of math and science concepts.
The structure of a typical day in the life of your baby/ toddler might include:
- Child-directed activities offering both teacher and self-directed opportunities to explore the Learning Centers.
- Group activities engaging children in story, exploring books, singing song and discussion about theme-related topics.
- Teacher-initiated activities like music or art.
- Lunch and naptimes to nourish and rest your child’s growing mind and body.
- Outdoor play twice daily to burn off energy and develop motor skills.
By the time your child approaches 3 years of age, he or she is ready to learn new skills and progress into our Preschool program. Preschoolers love to explore through hands-on activities. Our preschool curriculum is designed to develop important foundational skills like literacy, mathematical thinking and problem-solving while stimulating your child’s creativity.
Our Curriculum combines school-readiness activities to develop critical-thinking skills and stimulate your child’s curiosity. At this age, children require challenges, respond to motivation and crave praise. Recognizing that your preschooler needs to be engaged and nurtured at the same time, our highly trained teachers give them both the freedom and instruction to thrive.
Opportunities for Your Early Preschooler to Explore and Excel
Our Preschool classrooms are designed to encourage your child’s growing independence and need to investigate. In our safe learning environment, your early preschooler will engage in a range of activities geared to prepare them for preschool, foundation phase and life beyond.
Our Preschool Learning Centers
Our Preschool classrooms feature learning centers equipped with developmentally appropriate materials to channel your child’s natural sense of curiosity into educational exploration.
- Math & Manipulatives
- Beginning reading & Listening
- Beginning Writing
- Science & Sensorial
- Music & Dramatic Play
- Creativity & Art
Our highly trained teachers do their best to meet the diverse interests and needs of each group of children. Early preschoolers also learn important social skills in our literature-based program. The typical daily structure for your child might include:
- Math, Language & Literacy daily activities to build important foundational skills.
- Literacy and language enrichment to build emerging language skills.
- Daily Circle time where the themed activities are introduced and reviewed.
- Activities in the Learning Centers to bring the day’s educational theme to life.
- Music and movement (songs, poems and rhymes) to expand your child’s vocabulary and listening skills.
- Outdoor play twice daily to burn off energy and develop motor skills.
- Lunch and quiet time to nourish and rest your child’s growing mind and body.
At the little people’s place Nursery School we are committed to maintaining a teacher to student ratio of 1:10, with the maximum number of toddlers being 20 per class. You will receive a log of your child’s feeding, sleeping and diapering activities every day, so you can be confident we’ve provided quality care and an understanding of caring relationships.